Better Connection and Better Coffee
I love coffee.
I've been drinking it since my first sip of a strong, bitter cup when I was thirteen years old. And ever since then, I have had a passion for good coffee and the connection that comes from sharing it with others.
Whether you're a seasoned professional barista or just getting started on your path to learning how to brew the perfect cup at home, there are some things you should know about bettering your connection through truly great coffee.
So go ahead, read on!
There are a few ways you can brew your favorite cup at home. You may be a traditional coffee maker kinda gal, or perhaps you are a quick made Keurig cup!
The at home coffee future is bright and your options continue with a French Press, a Pour Over or an Expresso Machine. These are also all good ways to brew your next at home cup. The strengths and the tastes of each coffee can vary with these different methods so take a chance with all of them at least once to see if you find a individual preference or should I say – a CONNECTION!
Whatever it is you prefer, there is always that one main ingredient, that happens to be MY favorite – Connection.
You might find it with yourself, a group of girlfriends you haven’t gotten to catch up with, might be your Mom or your Aunt. Whoever it is, there will absolutely be connection in your cups.
Making those connections is essential in todays world. With the simple act of sharing a cup of coffee, you can share stories, discuss struggles and most importantly reinforce that you are there for each other.
Coffee is your gateway to self love, bonds and true connection. It also has many health benefits such as improving moods and energy levels which makes it even more the better! ;-)
So, go ahead sisters, pick up the phone (or let’s be honest – send a text!) and schedule that next Coffee Connection!