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  • The Sweet Magic of a Girls’ Weekend: Nourishing Your Heart and Soul

    "From the moment we all hit the road, there’s a shift. Our group text is full of excitement around arrival times and a bunch of "can't wait's!"

  • Recharged, Refocused and Ready!

    I’ve been busy being a Wife and Mom of 3…enjoying it all but truly feeling the need to pour back into this small business that is so close to my heart.

  • Better Connection and Better Coffee

      I love coffee. I've been drinking it since my first sip of a strong, bitter cup when I was thirteen years old. And ever since then, I have had a...
  • Wife..Mom..Boss..ALL THE THINGS!

    Wife. Mom. Boss. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Holder of all the things. Event Planner. CEO of Laundry. CFO of Bills. Coffee Guzzler. Personal Chef. T...
  • Stand Tall, Stay Balanced, Protect Your Flock & Always Be Fabulous

    It’s bright, majestic, and stunning. It is strong and protective.   It is balance and it is grace. It is the Pink Flamingo.  The pink flamingo hold...
  • Dear 18 Year Old Me....

    "Bring tissues, you are going to need them. But, luckily the laughter has outweighed the tears so far." 
  • Love is..

    “If you are struggling - work just a little harder and if you aren’t struggling - work just a little harder still.“
  • The Most Kindred of Spirits

    “Don’t be afraid to love hard, to be over the top to show your heart. Write the cards, send the text’s, share the memories, create the laughter. Take the trips, have the coffee dates, clink the champagne. Make it all count. The world needs more of it. We, as women need more of it.”
  • Why Me?

    ....some days I find myself vulnerable and wondering if I'm doing it right or if I'm truly connecting with others the way I want to and then I'm reminded - that is the work that is due because its worth it to me. 

    "I’m giving myself a mental pass for my lack of writing in 2020. I’m giving myself Grace for that and all the things I felt like I fell short on. And, you should too."